To Аuthors

The procedure for submitting materials for publication

  • Manuscripts in Ukrainian and English are accepted for the scientific publication "Educational and Scientific Space", which are published in the original with amount of at least 20,000 printed signs (including spaces).
  • Scientists, post-graduate students, doctoral students, teachers, heads of educational institutions who work or study in Ukraine and abroad can submit materials for publication.
  • Persons who do not have an academic degree must submit a protocol extract of a structural unit (department, laboratory, etc.) on the recommendation of materials for publication.
  • Article manuscripts can be: of theoretical content, but at the same time they must contain results of significant scientific relevance; of empirical content with a statement of intermediate or final results of scientific research, a specific separate question on the topic of a monograph, dissertation or scientific research.
  • Materials for publication must be submitted on paper and electronic version – in RTF format. Possible submission options: personaly to the editorial office of the journal, by mail (Ukrposhta, Nova poshta), by e-mail – to the e-mail box of the editorial office: (for foreign authors).
  • The editorial office does not accept materials for publication in the Journal if they:

❌ were published in other scientific publications;

❌ did not pass the check for uniqueness, using the appropriate UNICHECK software;
❌ issued without following the requirements specified in the information booklet of the magazine
  • The editors do not provide information about the original data of the journal or the published articles of individual authors. All necessary information is posted on the official website of the Journal.
  • Authors of published materials (articles, reviews etc.) are fully responsible for their content, results and statistical data. When submitting materials, the author agrees to their publication and free access for readers.


Attention! Materials submitted to the editorial office of the Journal with translation using online services (such as Google Translate, prompt etc.) are not going to be accepted.

Procedure of issuing  manuscript materials

Appendix 1 Example of article issuing (information booklet for authors)

Appendix 2 Informative reference of the author