Substantiation of the developmental block of the author's psychotechnology for ensuring the stress resistance of a ship's specialist


  • Liudmyla Sebalo Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
  • Ilona Rashkovska Dragomanov Ukrainian State University



health-saving technologies, future primary school teacher, primary school students, difficulties: external and internal factors


Based on the results of a study conducted among higher education students majoring in 013 «Primary Education», the article analyses the state of use of health-saving technologies in the practical training of future primary school teachers during martial law. An attempt has been made to combine theoretical concepts of health-saving orientation in order to mutually reinforce them in the practical activities of a future primary school teacher. It has been established that the vast majority of respondents (77 %) are interested in their own health and in preserving the health of their pupils.
The study found out which of the health-saving technologies are the most relevant and used in the student’s practical activities and substantiated their use, namely, types of art therapy: quilling, mandalorian therapy, fairy tale therapy; sand therapy and participation in the Toy Therapy Room project.
It has been confirmed that the greatest potential for the successful implementation of health-saving technologies in the educational process of the NUS is the activity of the primary school teacher on health protection, based on a high level of responsibility and the formation of the teacher’s own health-saving competence, which provides a well-founded positive assessment of the realities of today, conscious fulfilment of the teacher’s civic duties and an active position of the administration of the educational institution to create a health-saving environment in the educational institution; cooperation
of the teacher with a practical psychologist who will be actively involved in the work with children and teachers. During the educational process, the students were offered exercises that are used in a state of constant stress and can give a positive result in normalising the psychological state of the individual. The study identified factors (external and internal) that cause a number of difficulties in the work of a primary school teacher during the war, and in our study – of a student. Attention is focused on traditional health technologies, which are the most commonly used and avoid the issue of applying proprietary health technologies.

