Features of the organization of the internet-oriented educational environment in a higher education institution


  • Mykyta Popov Dragomanov Ukrainian State University




educational electronic resources, information technologies, Internet-oriented educational environment, information and communication technologies


The article proves that the main educational task of our time is not only the reproduction of knowledge, skills and abilities and their memorization, but also the ability to work in a group, the ability to compare, analyze, evaluate all knowledge, skills and abilities and to carry out their educational activities with the help of information and communication technologies. The issues of conceptual foundations of the use of Internet technologies in higher education institutions are studied, and the following conclusions are made: the organized Internet-oriented educational environment of a higher education institution consists of several parts – it is a closed and open, as well as an open computer-integrated and personalized learning environment.
It is argued that the effectiveness of the use of ICT in order to improve the quality of education is possible in the presence of appropriate conditions, the Internet-oriented educational environment of a higher education institution is a multifactorial, multi-vector educational environment, the main task of which is to train a specialist – a professional who is able to navigate in the modern world of hightech technologies and is able to constantly update his knowledge, adhering to the slogan «lifelong education».
A thorough analysis of the problem of psychological and pedagogical requirements for the selection and application of information and communication technologies is carried out. The reasons for the ineffective use of electronic educational tools are highlighted and guidelines for ways to solve the above problems are outlined.
It is analyzed that the Internet-oriented educational environment consists of technological, scientific and methodological, a component of scientific and pedagogical personnel, information and communication and other components. It is determined that in the modern Internet-oriented environment, learning tools such as various software, Internet technologies, multimedia tools, electronic manuals and textbooks, distance learning are used. Internet-oriented educational environment of the
institution Higher education is a multifactorial, multi-vector educational environment, the main task of which is to train a specialist – a professional who is able to navigate in the modern world of hightech technologies and is able to constantly update their knowledge, adhering to the slogan “lifelong learning”.

