Formation of knowledge about the environment in junior schoolchildren through virtual excursions


  • Tetiana Vasiutina Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
  • Olha Lukianchenko Dragomanov Ukrainian State University



environment, virtual tours, methods and forms of forming knowledge about the environment, primary school students


The theme and content of the article are conditioned by the search for new forms, methods and means of forming knowledge about the environment among junior school students in the context of the security situation in the country. The article presents approaches to the interpretation of environmental components and their classification, in particular, the natural, subject (anthropogenic) and social environment. Based on the analysis of professional sources, the primary role of excursions,
observations, didactic games, educational projects, research tasks in the formation of environmental knowledge in preschool and primary education is proved.
The article describes virtual excursions as an important form of teaching modern students, which differs from a real excursion by a virtual representation of real objects (museums, parks, city streets, etc.), creates conditions for independent observation and collection of necessary facts and is carried out with the help of technical means. The expediency of observing its stages is indicated: preparatory, main, post-excursion. Special attention is paid to the types of post-excursion work, such as: making
handicrafts based on the ideas and patterns of the exhibits and presenting them in the classroom; developing thematic posters, notebooks or icons; creating oral monologues (stories, descriptions) independently and based on museum materials; compiling thematic photo albums and commenting on the elements on relevant topics of teaching; completing educational projects based on the results of what they have seen, etc.
The article offers a list of domestic and foreign services with virtual tours for primary school teachers: Google Art Project, Ukraine Incognita, AirPano and others.
The research attention is paid to the training of future teachers on the formation of pupils’ knowledge of the subject environment through virtual tours in the framework of the special course «Learning through play». The stages of preparation of students for this activity are illustrated by means of works of art reflecting the concept of «time» and the human attitude towards it. The importance of using the method of philosophical dialogues to focus the attention of future teachers on the emotional states associated with the joy of discovering new things as key factors in improving the effectiveness of the educational process in the context of the research problem is emphasised.

