Critical thinking: essence, structure and concept meaning


  • Hanna Tsvietkova Національний педагогічний університет імені М. П. Драгоманова
  • Iryna Kuzmenko Національний педагогічний університет імені М. П. Драгоманова



thinking; self-development; self-improvement; logical thinking; creative thinking; critical thinking; intellectual development; structure, qualities and functions of critical thinking


Abstract. Today the idea of forming and developing critical thinking is attracting more and more attention from foreign and domestic scientists. This is primarily due to the lack of independence, social orientation, motivation and effectiveness of thinking of the younger generation. There is a tendency to
increase the flow of information that should be processed daily by each person, but there is a question not only of perception and memorization of this information, but also critical thinking, highlighting
important characteristics, achieving the truth of knowledge. The development of critical thinking becomes the main task of education, starting from preschool years, it is an important component of intellectual development of the growing personality. The article examines the phenomenon of critical
thinking, presents an analysis of the situation of foreign and domestic researchers. The interpretation of the concept of «critical thinking» in view of various milestones in the development of psychological
and pedagogical sciences, namely the views of researchers of the past and modern scientists. The
urgency of the problem of formation and development of this concept, starting from preschool age is revealed by the authors. The difference between logical and creative thinking from critical thinking is also shown. The purpose, essence, content and structure of critical thinking are highlighted and the role
of a teacher in the process of forming critical thinking in preschool children is determined. Emphasis is placed on the need for systematic, planned work on the development of critical thinking of preschool children, which takes place under the guidance of a teacher who has a high level of psychological and pedagogical consciousness, able to critically analyze pedagogical reality and show such abilities as flexibility, perseverance, willingness to plan reflection skills. The principles of critical thinking are formulated, which include independence, purposefulness, awareness, validity, controllability, as well as
self-analysis and self-organization are important. Indicators of critical thinking are considered, which
were divided into groups: affective, microcognitive and macrocognitive. According to the processed information, the components and functions of critical thinking are identified. The authors stress the importance of the ability to think critically as one of the most important characteristics of personality
development. The concept of defi

