
ISSN (Print) 2786-6890

ISSN (Online) 2786-6084

Publication name (in Ukrainian): науковий журнал «ОСВІТНЬО-НАУКОВИЙ ПРОСТІР»

Name in Latin (transliteration): naukovyi zhurnal "OSVITNO-NAUKOVYI PROSTIR"

International name (in English): Scientific Journal “EDUCATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SPACE”

Date of Establishment: 2021

Registration documents:
Certificate of state registration of printed mass media Series KV No. 24701-14641 R dated February 16, 2021.

Founder of the publication:
Dragomanov Ukrainian State University (National Pedagogical Dragomanov University Order of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine No. 949 dated 25.10.22)

Co-founder of the publication:
Public organization "Ukrainian Association of Teachers and Psychologists of Primary, Preschool and Out-of-School Education"

Legal address of the founder:
01054, Kyiv, Oleksandra Konyskoho street,  8/14
Dragomanov Ukrainian State University (Humanitarian Corps)

Type of publication by target purpose: scientific

Field of science: 01 – education/pedagogy (011 – educational, pedagogical sciences; 012 – preschool education; 013 – primary school education; 015 – professional education), 05 – social and behavioral sciences (053 – psychology)

Publication type: printed, electronic.

Publication status: domestic.

Language(s) of publication: Ukrainian, English.

Frequency: twice a year.

Volume: magazine in A4 format (up to 50 printed sheets).

Procedure for publication: approval by decision of the Academic Council of the Dragomanov Ukrainian State University.

Publisher: Dragomanov Ukrainian State University

Place of publication: Lira-K Publishing House.

Address: 03142, Kyiv, str. V. Stusa 22/1 (


Educational scientific space : scientific journal. Issue 1 (1 – 2021) / National Pedagogical Dragomanov University [Ch. Ed. Dr. Ped. Sciences, Prof. Matvienko O.V.]. Kyiv : Publishing Lira-K, 2021. 140 p.


A word from the editor-in-chief of the scientific publication «Educational scientific space»


Today's realities contribute to the necessity to rethink a wide range of educational problems related to the processes of European integration of the educational sector, which became a prerequisite for the appearance of the scientific journal "Educational scientific space".

The development of education and science in any country is one of the determining factors for the well-being of society, the improvement of the well-being of its members, and the spiritual and intellectual growth of young scientists of the new generation. Over the past decades, various branches of pedagogical science have formed and acquired dynamic development, within which new powerful scientific schools have been formed, which have activated a positive trend for conducting topical research, deepening scientific research, publicizing and discussing their results in wide circles of the scientific community, etc.

In our opinion, the creation of a scientific journal "Educational Scientific Space" that adheres to the principles of openness, objectivity and scientificity is today’s necessity. We have been convinced that the scientific dialogue envisaged on the pages of the journal between scientists of various scientific schools of Ukraine and abroad, the representation of modern pedagogical ideas, the results of multi-vector research and experimental developments of contributors to our scientific publication will form the basis for ensuring a dynamic process of integration of the national education system into the European and world educational system. This type of publications should become the flagship of modern science for the introduction of advanced educational technologies, the formation of the worldview of young scientists and the direction of the movement of proactive specialists towards a qualitative change in state policy in the field of education and science.

The journal "Educational scientific space" is designed to become a scientifically innovative, practically oriented publication addressed to scientists, teachers, doctoral students, post-graduate students, students of higher education, practical employees and everyone who is interested in the state and prospective development of education and science .

We invite you to publish in our scientific edition!


Olena Valeriivna Matvienko, editor-in-chief of the scientific publication "Educational scientific space", Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor, deputy dean for international cooperation of the Faculty of Pedagogy of Drahomanov Ukrainian State University