Editorial ethics of publication




Following the scientific ethics of publications.

The editorial board of the scientific journal "Educational and Scientific Space" is guided by the code of academic integrity and is based on the ethical principles and requirements for scientific publications of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the valuable experience of reputable international journals and publishers. These requirements provide following the basic norms of behavior and duties of members of any scientific community in relation to each other and ensure the right of each author to intellectual property.

Members of the editorial board, authors, reviewers, editor must be guided by ethical principles and  be objective and keep confidential information about the materials of the journal's authors.

Impartiality. The editor evaluates manuscripts regardless of the previous achievements, race, ethnic origin, gender, religion, citizenship, sexual orientation or political philosophy of the authors.

Objectivity. Personal criticism of the authors is unacceptable. Reviewers should express their opinion clearly, with constructive advice.

Privacy. The editors and editorial board will not reveal any information about the submitted manuscript (author(s), subject, text, etc.) to anyone other than the corresponding author, potential reviewers, and the publisher (if applicable).

Conflicts of interest. Unpublished materials of the article submitted by the author for reviewing may not be used by the reviewers (or others) for their own research. Interesting and useful information from the materials submitted for publication can be used only for reading and not for one’s own purposes. Researchers must exclude the presence of financial and other types of conflicts of interest, which may compromise the reliability of scientific information in the article, public statements or expert opinions of reviewers.

Authenticity and plagiarism. Authors submitting their articles to the editorial board of the journal must guarantee the reliability of the data presented in their research. In the case of using the materials of other scientists, the authors of the articles should make a reference to their research and then place them in the list of used sources. The originality of a scientific article is determined by the fact that it does not contain plagiarism. Manuscripts in which plagiarism or textual borrowings without reference to primary sources are detected are not considered by the members of the editorial board until the shortcomings (violations of academic integrity) are completely eliminated or are rejected forever.


Avoiding plagiarism

The editor defines the phenomenon of plagiarism as following:

Plagiarism is the publication  of someone else's in whole or in part work under the name of a person who is not the author of this work.

Self-plagiarism  is the repeated publication by the author of his own scientific texts, which are identical in form and content, without indicating the fact of their previous or simultaneous publication.

Textual plagiarism is complete or partial borrowing of text fragments (not altered or modified) that is present in articles, theses, reports, monographs, manuscripts of qualification works, etc.

Actions that characterize the process of plagiarism:

  • passing someone else's work off as one's own;
  • copying the words or ideas of another person without reference to his works;
  • intentional omission of a link from the list of sources;
  • providing incorrect data about the source;
  • changing the order of words while preserving the general structure of the sentence and without reference to the source;
  • copying large amounts of text or ideas with reference to sources that together make up the bigger part of the article.

Plagiarism is classified according to the following categories:

  • exact copying without changes (Copy & Paste) and without proper bibliographic design of borrowed fragments;
  • copying with changes in linguistic, lexical and technological interpretation (with permutations of words, replacement of letters, numbers);
  • style imitation;
  • translation;
  • borrowing the ideas.

Plagiarism detection procedure:

  1. All manuscripts submitted to the editorial office are checked by the executive editor for uniqueness using the text matching service Unicheck at the initial review stage.
  2. In cases of detection of plagiarism, the manuscript is rejected.
  3. Responsibility for the authenticity of the information in the articles, the accuracy of names, surnames and quotations is borne by the authors of the presented materials in accordance with the current legislation of Ukraine (the Law of Ukraine "On Copyright and Related Rights").


In cases of detection of plagiarism, the authors of the provided materials are responsible!