The phenomenon of “dual education” in the process of professional training of the future specialist: European experience


  • Liudmila Popova Dragomanov Ukrainian State University



dual education, professional training, European experience, theoretical and practical components of education, institutions of higher education, transversal elements, work-based learning


The article examines the role of the “Dual Education” phenomenon in the professional training of future specialists, current issues of European experience in this field. Dual education is a key component of the professional training of future specialists in modern conditions. In the constantly developing labor market, employers require qualified specialists who have both theoretical knowledge and practical experience. Dual education, an educational model that combines vocational and classroom learning, has proven to be a key component in training future specialists. Firstly, dual education through the integration of on-the-job training and theoretical learning enables students to gain a full understanding of their chosen profession, effectively bridging skills gaps. Therefore, graduates who studied under conditions of dual education become very competitive in the global labor market. Here are a few reasons why dual education is important in today's context, namely: Bridging the skills gap (With rapid technological advancements and changing industry needs, there is a growing skill gap in the labor market. Dual education helps bridge this gap by equipping students with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills related to the chosen profession); Increased employability: (dual education graduates have higher employability rates because they have ready-to-work skills and industry knowledge; this makes them attractive candidates for employers looking for competent professionals who can immediately contribute to the success of their organization); Adapting to Industry 4.0 (As industry continues to evolve with the advent of automation, artificial intelligence and other technological disruptions, a dual degree ensures that students are prepared for the demands of Industry 4.0. By integrating on-the-job learning with classroom learning, students gain the necessary skills to adapt and thrive in this new industrial environment); Promoting lifelong learning (Dual education fosters a culture of lifelong learning, emphasizing the importance of continuous skill development and adaptability. This prepares students to remain relevant and competitive throughout their careers in a rapidly changing job market).

