Integration of pedagogy and psychotherapy as a means of psychological assistance to the individual


  • Oleksandr Mytnyk Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
  • Iryna Uninets Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
  • Borys Demyanenko Dragomanov Ukrainian State University



pedagogical psychotherapy, existential-cognitive-analytical psychotherapy, psychological-pedagogical experiment, techniques of integral psychotherapy, beliefs, suggestions, mindfulness


The article focuses on the fact that due to the full-scale war in Ukraine, the number of people who need psychological help has increased significantly. Based on the results of a psychological-pedagogical experiment, a hypothesis was presented and proved, the essence of which is that the effectiveness of psychological assistance to an individual can be ensured if pedagogical methods are used in the psychotherapeutic process. It has been proven that the commonality of methodological foundations and tasks of pedagogy and psychotherapy is the basis for the creation of an interdisciplinary science called pedagogical psychotherapy. The content and methods of pedagogical psychotherapy are disclosed in the studies of A. Adler, Z. Freud, K. Rogers, K. Naranho. An analysis of models of mental health and psychopathology by S. Geis, therapy of acceptance and responsibility proposed by the scientist was carried out. The content of existential-cognitive-analytical psychotherapy as a variant of pedagogical psychotherapy is disclosed; mindfulness as a basic technique of integral psychotherapy; describes a psychotherapeutic process with a combination of democratic (conviction) and authoritarian (suggestion) leadership styles.A psychological-pedagogical experiment (diagnostic, formative and control stages) aimed at correcting emotional burnout and personality depersonalization of students - future clinical psychologists of the Faculty of Special and Inclusive Education of Drahomanov Ukrainian State University is characterized. The formative stage of the experiment, which consisted of three stages: psychodynamic, sociodynamic, and existential-dynamic, is described in detail. The techniques used at each stage are presented. The dynamics of changes in the emotional states of higher education applicants were analyzed. Attention is focused on the techniques offered to students future practical psychologists at the Faculty of Pedagogy of Dragomanov Ukrainian State University for working with clients on solving various psychological problems of the personality.

