Peculiarities of anxiety manifestation in primary school children in war conditions


  • Olena Matviienko Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
  • Nataliia Vedmedenko Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
  • Marta Khymych Dragomanov Ukrainian State University



anxiety, anxiety disorders, emotional state, primary school children


The article discusses the peculiarities of anxiety manifestation in primary school children in wartime. In the context of current geopolitical events, this problem is of particular relevance, as military conflicts leave a significant psychological mark on children. The article analyzes the main factors that cause anxiety in children during military operations, such as fear for their own safety, separation from parents, witnessing violence and threat to the lives of loved ones.

The main purpose of the study was to analyze and study the psychological characteristics of anxiety in primary school children experiencing military operations. To achieve this goal, a set of methods was used, including the analysis of psychological, pedagogical, scientific and methodological sources, reflective methods and generalization of positive pedagogical experience. The first method involved a detailed analysis of the scientific literature on anxiety in wartime. This made it possible to identify key concepts, theories and approaches in the context of the problem under study. The second method - reflective methods - was used to evaluate the effectiveness of activity-based methods of psychological support for children in war. This approach recorded changes in the psycho-emotional state of children and their adaptation to military conditions. The third method, the generalization of positive pedagogical experience, allowed us to study and analyze the experience of teachers in providing psychological support to children in stressful situations. The importance of these methods lies in their targeted approach to restoring a child's mental state, reducing anxiety and improving their psycho-emotional well-being. The findings of the study emphasize the need to develop and implement effective psychological programs and methods to support primary school children in war.

The article emphasizes the importance of early diagnosis and correction of anxiety disorders in children to prevent negative psychological consequences in the future. Thus, the article is aimed at studying and analyzing the problem of anxiety in primary school children in wartime, which is a relevant and important task for the modern scientific community. This article is an important source for psychologists, educators and parents who are faced with the problem of anxiety in children during the war and seek to find effective methods of psychological support for their wards or children.



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