Features of project activity implementation in primary school for formation national patriotic feelings of students


  • Kateryna Lisovska Dragomanov Ukrainian State University




primary school, primary school students, patriotism, patriotic education, national-patriotic feelings, lesson, extracurricular work, project activity


The article analyzes the peculiarities of the directions of patriotic education in the content of the organization of project work with elementary school students. It has been studied that the formation of national-patriotic feelings of students can be defined as one of the priority aspects of the national education system and involves the formation of love for one's people and patriotic feelings, a deep understanding of readiness to defend the state interests of the Motherland. In the "Concept of National-Patriotic Education of Children and Youth" (2022), it is emphasized that the basic feelings of patriotism and national consciousness in primary school students are formed as a result of the introduction of innovative methods of work in lessons and extracurricular time, in particular through a well-thought-out system of educational texts, verified conditions of mathematical tasks; familiarization with the culture and traditions of one's own people; familiarization with samples of products from the regions of Ukraine and involvement in mastering various crafts, active introduction of labor training; mastering the conscious skills of respectful attitude towards nature and the surrounding environment.

One of the effective pedagogical approaches, which makes it possible to form the national and patriotic feelings of elementary school students as fully as possible, is project-based learning, which is built on the principles of humanistic and child-centered pedagogy. Modern educational reforms set certain urgent tasks for the organization of the educational process, in particular, in the "State Standard of Primary Education" (21.02.2018) it is stated that at the first stage of the process, various organizational forms of education of younger schoolchildren should be used, which take into account the individual characteristics of each student, his cognitive motives, the ability to interact with peers and adults is formed. Project activity, being essentially an integrative activity, solves the task of assimilating not only subject knowledge from various disciplines, but also contributes to the formation of spiritual and moral traits of the child's personality through the organization of active methods of action, bringing the educational process in primary school closer to the needs of modern children. Accordingly, according to scientists, project activity is the activity of schoolchildren (individual, group or collective), which is carried out through a certain algorithm of the relevant stages (problem formulation, planning, information search, product creation, presentation).

