Development of emotional intelligence of primary students in war conditions: effective tools


  • Tetiana Koval Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
  • Maryna Zaporozhets Dragomanov Ukrainian State University



emotional intelligence, emotions, primary students, resilience, stress resistance, war


The fact that we are getting used to the new reality and learning to live in new conditions is determined in the article. Finding ways to effective support of primary students in war period, as they are very vulnerable, is a main priority. The development of emotional intelligence (the ability to understand and control one's emotions and feel the other) is considered in the article. This helps to avoid excessive stress, find constructive ways to express emotions, and build healthy relationships. Analyzing your feelings, tracking stress triggers, and learning to calm yourself down in stressful situations are needed to develop emotional intelligence. The proposed methods help primary students to reduce anxiety, learn to let negative thoughts and emotions go, and find an inner support point.

The concept of “emotional intelligence” is defined as the ability to be aware of one's feelings and emotions, to control them, to convey to others, as well as the ability to empathize. Factors that affect the psychological health of primary students during the war are identified in the article. The development of primary students ‘resistance as an ability to resist stress and show mental stability is shown. The resilience of primary students is defined as a number of adaptive abilities associated with emotional intelligence the child's ability to switch quickly from negative experiences to positive emotions, the ability to positive emotional adjustment for the future life. The effectiveness of activities for the development of emotional intelligence of primary students in war period depends on the creation of psychological conditions in general educational institutions and the awareness of teachers of the need for this professional activity.

The scientific and methodological works on the development of emotional intelligence of primary students are analyzed, special attention is paid to practices that can support children in overcoming emotional problems caused by the war. Materials that will help to increase the level of stress resistance of primary students is given.

