Formation of value attitude to nature in children of the senior preschool age in the course of ecologization of the educational environment


  • Raisa Shulyhina Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
  • Anastasiia Kovalova Dragomanov Ukrainian State University



formation, nature, value, attitude, valuable attitude towards nature, older preschooler, natural and ecological competence, ecological education


The article reveals the essence of the problem of formation of valuable attitude towards nature of older preschoolers. Based on the analysis of various scientific approaches of the interpretation of concepts “formation”, “value”, “attitude”, “valuable attitude”, the definition of the concept “valuable attitude towards nature of an older preschooler” is formulated and presented as a complex multi-faceted individual and psychological characteristic of an older preschooler, which consists in the integration of set of theoretical knowledge, valuable orientations, individual and personal qualities, practical abilities and skills of a child in the field of ecology and assumes the presence of internal beliefs about the importance of preserving nature, conscious aspirations for the economical use of its resources, emotional and positive perception of nature by the child, its beauty, wealth and understanding of the role of nature in human life.
Guided by the provisions of normative and legal documents in the field of preschool education and having studied modern scientific sources and concepts of Ukrainian and foreign scientists, a structural and functional model of the process of formation of a valuable attitude towards nature of older preschoolers has been defined and characterized, which includes emotional and valuable, cognitive and activity-practical components. It is proposed to consider nature as a universal human value.
The peculiarities of the formation of a valuable attitude towards nature of older preschoolers as an integral component of their natural and ecological competence have been determined. Based on the analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodical literature, it was established that the process of formation of a valuable attitude towards nature of an older preschooler is determined by the formation process of the structural components of his personality (needs, emotional readiness, motives and personal experience of the child). The key pedagogical conditions for the effective formation of a valuable attitude towards nature of older preschoolers in the conditions of the preschool education institutions’ functioning are characterized, among which environmentalization of the educational environment plays a special role.
Prospects for conducting the further scientific researches on the raised problem are outlined.

