Features of socialization of preschool children in the environment of peers in the conditions of military aggression: analysis of pedagogical and psychosocial factors


  • Raisa Shulyhina Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
  • Sofiya Koval Dragomanov Ukrainian State University




preschool children, peer environment, socialization, military aggression, pedagogical and psychosocial factors, psychotrauma, participants in the educational process, social institutions


The article reveals the views of scientists on the peculiarities of the socialization of preschool children in the environment of peers in the conditions of military aggression. Based on domestic and international documents on human and child rights, official data on the number of children injured as a result of active hostilities on the territory of Ukraine are given. An analysis of today’s pedagogical and psychosocial challenges, which are associated with unforeseen consequences for the health and life of preschool children: post-traumatic stress disorders, acute reactions to stress, maladaptation, loss of communication skills with peers, phobias, etc., was carried out. Several types of behavior of preschool children who have experienced psychotraumatic situations are singled out: internalized behavior of children is directly directed «inside» the child’s personality; externalized behavior of children, which is directed at other people, and psychotraumatic events experienced by preschool children during military aggression are also characterized.
The importance of concentrating the efforts of all educational institutes to take an active position in the pedagogy of the society surrounding the child, the implementation of pedagogical correction of dangerous factors regarding the effects on the successful socialization of the child in the conditions of military aggression, is emphasized. The results of a survey of parents of preschool children and members of their families regarding the understanding of the need to provide access to important information related to the socialization of preschool children in the peer environment are presented, and a number of recommendations are highlighted for joining the efforts of all participants in the educational process to successfully solve urgent issues. in particular, various thematic forms of self-education of teachers-educators and parents: forums, scientific and practical conferences, «round tables», flash lectures, flash seminars, seminars, webinars, online courses, etc. Within the framework of the National Program of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support, advice on interaction with different age groups of children during military aggression is presented.

