Specificity of the professional orientation of school students in the sphere of environment and its influence on the formation of professional plans


  • Oleksandr Mytnyk Dragomanov Ukrainian State University




professional orientation, schoolchildren, the field of ecology, formation, professional plan


The vector of development of the Ukrainian economy is rather unstable due to the fullscale Russian aggression. In such circumstances, it is very difficult to predict how the labour market will develop. As a result, high school students are in a very vulnerable position, as they are now faced with the task of choosing their future profession. One of the most important components of readiness for it is a formed professional plan. The contradictions between the chosen profession and the interests of schoolchildren have confirmed that the choice of profession is often conditioned by random and secondary factors, which indicates its lack of awareness and finality.
It has been determined that the main tasks of forming professional plans for high school students are to provide them with systematic ideas about themselves and to develop the ability to correlate this knowledge with the requirements of any profession. To this end, an optional course was organised, with a special role for senior pupils in the human-nature sector, which involved studying the structure of greenhouses and hotbeds and then building them on the school grounds with the help of their parents during the summer holidays.
In order to form a conscious view of the world and professions, socially valuable qualities necessary for any professional field, and their own self-image, junior pupils were offered the following activities with environmental content: introduction to professions (gardener, ecologist, farmer, etc.), work tests (growing and caring for plants, making plant ornaments, travelling to a green planet to collect medicinal plants, etc.) It is stated that the majority of primary school students consider knowledge of their profession, hard work, and the desire to acquire new knowledge and skills to be important for any profession. For middle school students, it is useful to organise special class hours that combine theoretical and practical classes, analyse the requirements of professions, working conditions and qualities necessary for a specialist in each profession, which helps them to relate to their own interests and aptitudes.

