Contents of the study of formation of value attitude towards health of children 6-7 years of life


  • Larysa Piechka



system of work, interaction, health-preserving activity, preschool institution, primary school


Abstract. The problem of forming the values of the younger generation in the educational process is one of the most pressing in the context of the development and integration of Ukraine into the European space. The study provides a theoretical generalization and proposes a new approach to solving the problem of forming the foundations of values for their own health of 6-7-year-old children in the interaction of preschool and primary school. Educational interaction takes into account the optimal use of age and psychological capabilities of children, such as well as amplification, self-worth
of each age period. The formation of the foundations of the value attitude to their own health of children
6-7 years of age will be effective provided that all the semantic structures of the components are
balanced: cognitive, emotional-value, behavioral-activity; implementation of stages of work; providing pedagogical conditions: organization of the corresponding subject-spatial educational environment for formation at children of bases of the value relation to own health; involvement of children 6-7 years
of age in active health activities; work with educators, teachers on the formation of children 6-7 years
of age the basics of values to their own health; working with parents to form in children the foundations
of values for their own health. The most effective methods of forming the foundations of values for
their own health of children 6-7 years of age are: creative; games; conversations; composing fairy
tales, stories; problem solving; training elements; practical music therapy sessions; search activity;
conducting experiments. Among the effective forms of the developed methodology are: elective “From a fairy tale – to deeds”; circles: local history and tourism “Step to health”, theatrical “Carnival of fairy tales”; project “Children – for children”; action “Mercy”, etc.
The results of the study showed the achievement of the goal, the solution of the tasks. Experimentally tested the effectiveness of the method of forming the foundations of values for their own health of
children 6-7 years of age in the interaction of preschool educational establishment (PsEE) and primary

