Readiness of future educators for innovative pedagogical activities: the way from professional success to professional experience


  • Raisa Shulyhina Dragomanov Ukrainian State University



motivation, motivational and value-based attitude to professional activity, interdisciplinary integration, innovative nature of pedagogical work, professional success, professional maturity, professional succes, self-education, self-realization


The article provides a thorough analysis of the problem of readiness of a future teachereducator for innovative activity from the standpoint of its multidirectional perception in scientific circles and the study of various approaches of scientists to the study of the essence of key concepts, their interconnection, in particular «readiness», «innovative activity», «readiness for innovative pedagogical activity», etc.
The author considers the connection with the pedagogical activity of a teacher-educator, which is aimed at complying with the norms and provisions that define the state requirements for the level of development, education and upbringing of a preschool child through the prism of state documents, in particular the Laws of Ukraine «On Education», «On Higher Education», «On Preschool Education», the Basic Component of Preschool Education in Ukraine. It is clarified that the readiness of a teachereducator for innovative activity is related to the issues of personal development, professional orientation and self-determination, and the contradictions between the internal feelings of professional success and the dissatisfaction of a young specialist with the results of his/her own activity trigger the mechanisms of personal and professional self-improvement, which eventually lead to success. The attention is focused on the integrative, holistic nature of innovative activity, complementary and promising methodological approaches: system-synergetic, personal-activity, cultural, problem-integrative, as well as spiritual and moral, the implementation of which affects the professional competence of future specialists. It is stated that the path from professional success to the professional experience of a future teacher-educator should be accompanied by psychological and pedagogical support, which can be provided in different ways to achieve professional maturity, such as academic mobility, internships, postgraduate education, domestic and foreign project activities, etc.
It is proved that the achievement of professional success, the formation of professional maturity of a teacher-educator is impossible without his/her readiness for innovative activity, since in modern conditions it is innovative activity that is the most important area of activity of a teacher, without which it is impossible to achieve professional experience.

