Research activity of a psychology student: progress from the knowledge paradigm to the competence paradigm


  • Oleksandr Mytnyk Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
  • Serhii Myronets State University of Trade and Economics



future psychologist, research activity, higher educational institution, professional training


This article examines the evolutionary transition of the research activities of psychology students from the traditional knowledge paradigm to the modern competency model of professional training of future psychologists. Important differences in the transition from an approach focused on the accumulation of theoretical knowledge to an emphasis on the development of practical skills and abilities are analyzed, which allows students not only to understand psychological concepts, but also to successfully apply them in future professional situations.
The article highlights the key aspects of this process, in particular: rethinking the role of the student psychologist as an active participant in the research process, the introduction of interactive learning methods and practical tasks to stimulate analytical and critical thinking, as well as the development of intellectual skills in the process of solving psychological tasks.
Based on the analysis of one’s own pedagogical experience and scientific sources, recommendations are provided regarding effective teaching methods aimed at professional training of psychology students based on a competency-oriented approach. To ensure success in the implementation of research activities, it is important in the process of professional training, in general, and, in particular, in the process of studying professional disciplines of the OR “Bachelor” (“Counseling psychology”, “Rehabilitation psychology”, “Fundamentals of psychocorrection”, “Fundamentals of psychotherapy”, etc.) develop intellectual skills, namely: the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships, the ability to distinguish the main and secondary from the flow of information and draw reasonable conclusions; the ability to plan one’s actions several steps ahead. It is advisable to do this during role training. In the process of such trainings, the future specialist assumes a certain role in certain simulated professional situations (“client”, “psychologist”, “expert”, etc.), acts within its limits, planning his actions several steps ahead. The results of the research emphasize the importance of combining theoretical knowledge with practical skills for the professional training of competent specialists in the field of psychology.

