Main characteristics of the axiological component future psychologist's research competence


  • Olena Matviienko Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
  • Kateryna Vasylenko Dragomanov Ukrainian State University



research competence, formation of research competence, future psychologists, training of future specialists, axiological component


The article discusses the main characteristics of the axiological component of the research competence of future psychologists and its role in the further professional activity of psychologist students. Summarizing the views of Ukrainian and foreign scientists, the author came to the conclusion that the axiological component of a psychologist’s research competence is characterized by the formation of the value of research activity, the development of the need for this activity and its focus on achieving results. It has been found that the main driving force in this field is the need to successfully perform the assigned task, interest in research activity, and the desire to realize values related to research competence. The actual state of formation of the axiological component of the research competence of the students of the “Practical Psychology” educational program at the time of the ascertainment stage of the pedagogical experiment was scientifically substantiated and established. To collect empirical data on the current state of development of the axiological component of the research competence of psychology students, such methods were used as the questionnaire “Motivation of students’ research activity” (adapted from I. M. Butsyk) and the questionnaire by D. Super (Donald Super’s Work Values Inventory (WVI). The research included three stages: analysis of theoretical and methodological scientific sources, collection of empirical data from students, calculation of the group value of the level of formation of the axiological component of the research competence of future psychologists. The results obtained regarding the determination of the dominant value in the realization of the research competence of future psychologists showed that future psychologists (both first-year students and students of II-IV years) do not associate their career growth and competitiveness with a high level of research competence formation. In general, the data obtained at the ascertainment stage of the experiment indicate the presence of certain deficiencies in the professional training of future psychologists regarding the formation of axiological component of research competence.

