Mental-thinking methodological complex for developing the foundations of critical thinking of older preschool children: working with parents and educators


  • Iryna Kuzmenko Dragomanov Ukrainian State University



mental-thinking methodological complex, critical thinking, older preschool children, formation of critical thinking of older preschool children, forms of interactive methodological work


The article demonstrates that the mental-thinking methodological complex for developing the foundations of critical thinking of older preschool children is oriented on forming each component of critical thinking as a whole for the researched category, encompassing not only older preschool children but also adults. The definition of the “mental-thinking methodological complex for developing the foundations of critical thinking of older preschool children” is revealed as a system of comprehensive, harmonized, purposeful, personality-oriented, inter-subjective psycho-pedagogical support, resulting in a full interaction between older preschool children, adults (parents and educators), and peers in various activities, creating unique, favorable conditions for a child’s happy life experience and critical understanding of reality.
Pedagogical work with educators and parents is characterized, with the primary goal being to familiarize educators with the essence of modern multifaceted definitions: “critical thinking”, “psychological and pedagogical characteristics of critical thinking of older preschool children”, “formation of critical thinking of older preschool children”; equipping educators and parents with modern methods and techniques for developing the foundations of critical thinking of older preschool children; creating a unified innovative-intellectual space for preschool education institutions and families of older preschool children.
Various forms of interactive methodological work with adults regarding the formation of thefoundations of critical thinking of older preschool children are outlined: dynamic groups, reference bureaus, discussion clubs, and creative workshops for critical thinking, resource centers for critical thinking, and more. Emphasis is placed on interactive exercises and creative tasks to develop critical thinking, with the aim of increasing professional mastery, developing the ability, readiness, and capability to optimally organize activities with older preschool children and their parents for the formation of critical thinking.

