Psychological and pedagogical features of the formation of communicative culture of the future teacher of higher education


  • Wang Rundong Dragomanov Ukrainian State University



communicative culture, formation of communicative culture of future teachers of higher education, pedagogical skills, speech culture of the teacher, pedagogical communications


The article carries out a thorough analysis of the problem of formation of communicative culture of future teachers of higher education The analysis of scientific literature allowed us to conclude that scientists are increasingly interested in the decline of the culture of speech, which is largely due to the fact that education gradually ceases to be part of culture. A high school teacher is a person who is called to instill in the souls of students respect for the native language as the basis of thought, to establish the authority of the native language, to reveal its connection with the national consciousness. In this sense, his role is very important, since he always communicates with students, acquires linguistic qualities, teaches a variety of styles and his speech behavior is generally exemplary. Professional language competence is important for teachers at all levels, especially teachers of higher education institutions, where this competence is particularly important. To form professional skills, the teacher must master the technique of public speaking.
It is concluded that the formation of communicative culture of future teachers of higher education depends on the degree of organization of extracurricular educational activities in higher education. The analysis of scientific literature on the problem under study has shown that extracurricular work is a complex holistic pedagogical process of formation and development of the personality of the future teacher, which is carried out on the basis of organic unity with the learning process and the social environment, taking into account personal interests, preferences of students and the social order of society, focused on the development of activities, initiative, tolerance, interaction of students on the principles of cooperation and co-creation.
The article reveals the structure and meaning of the concept of «communicative culture» as a significant indicator of the professionalism of the future teacher, highlights the components, indicators and levels of formation of this complex formation, considers the possibilities and formation of extracurricular work in higher education; a set of pedagogical requirements for the formation of students’ communicative culture by methods outside the classroom is clarified and theoretically argued.

