The role of project activity in the formation of research competence of students of higher education


  • Iryna Ievtushenko Dragomanov Ukrainian State University



research competence, formation of research competence, training of future specialists, higher educational institution


The article examines the role of project activity in the formation of research competence of students of higher education institutions. Research competence is a key quality necessary for training future specialists capable of independent scientific work and innovative thinking. The article examines methods and  approaches to the implementation of project activities in the process of professional training of students, and also analyzes the positive effects of this practice on the development of students’ research skills. Specific methods of individual, pair and group work are summarized, which will help students not only to learn academic material, but also to develop their own creativity and analytical thinking. The article also considers the challenges and obstacles that teachers and students may face during the implementation of project activities.
The article highlights methods of research competence formation for higher education students: methods of individual and group work. Among the methods of individual work, the following are highlighted: comparison and comparison tasks, selection of individual elements from the total, and, conversely, text analysis, observation, note-taking, preparation of abstracts, questionnaires, surveys, drawing up schedules, tasks for developing skills in revealing the topic of an oral message. The methods of group work include immersion in a simulated situation, business games, work on group research projects, joint presentations, simulation modeling. The functions of the projects are also highlighted: developmental, activation of cognitive activity, praxeological, system-creating, controlling, professionally oriented.
The article also points out the disadvantages of using project activities, in particular, resource-intensiveness,
as it requires additional efforts and resources on the part of students and institutions of higher education. The study focuses on academic integrity in the formation of research competence, which is defined as the observance of ethical principles by participants in the educational process in research and educational activities.

