The role of archetypal symbolism in psychodrawings


  • Inesa Serhata National Pedagogical Drahomanov University



active socio-psychological cognition, archetype, symbolization, deep cognition, psychodrawings


The article reveals the meaning and essence of the concepts «archetype» and «symbolization» in the context of an in-depth analysis of psychodrawings. Attention is focused on the role of archetypal symbolization in the creation of images in psychodrawings. For a practical psychologist to work with psychodrawings and carry out their in-depth analysis, it is important to understand the psyche in its integrity – «conscious / unconscious» and take into account the individual
uniqueness of the psyche of each respondent.
The article describes the mechanisms of symbolization (hint, condensation, displacement) and their relationships with archetypal symbols. The commonality of archetypal symbolism in psychodrawings and dreams is outlined. The essence of deep knowledge of the psyche is revealed. The deep-corrective method of analyzing psychodrawings is characterized, which is based on psychodynamic theory and the practice of in-depth knowledge of the psyche in its integrity (conscious / unconscious).
The peculiarities of the diagnostic and correctional process according to the ASPP method, which involves the use of visualized means of in-depth knowledge (psychodrawings, reproductions of art canvases, etc.) are defined. In deep psychocorrection according to the ASPP method, the use of a complex of thematic psychodrawings and reproduction of artistic canvases aims to illustrate the ability of the psyche to recode from an ideal reality into a materialized one, visualized in drawings and images. A separate picture cannot catalyze the dynamics of cognition of the psyche in its integrity (conscious / unconscious), so the use of a complex of thematic psychodrawings with the addition of reproductions of artistic canvases is an important point. In the deep psychoanalysis of drawings, an important aspect is to take into account: archetypal symbolism, because it is close to the language of the unconscious) and contributes to the representation of repressed content and dialogue, which actualizes the language of the conscious.

