Peculiarities of high school students' readiness to professional self-determination


  • Nataliia Ortikova National Pedagogical Dragomanov University



choice of profession, motivational orientation, life plan, awareness, professional intention, autonomy, self-realization, self-control


It was found out that the readiness for professional self-determination is a multistructural personal formation of high school students, which allows to implement the professional choice forming strategy on the base of realization and adaptation of one’s interests, talents, abilities,
individual characteristics with the requirements of the profession, and which is expressed in valuemotivational, cognitive, practical-active, reflective readiness of high school students. Readiness is assessed by levels and indicators.
It was defined that main parameters allowing to assess the level of a high school student’s readiness for professional self-determination include: the existence of desire and aspirations for professional selfdetermination and selection of a profession which includes value orientations, individually expressed goals, motives and which becomes determining in the demonstration of activity, accomplishment of appropriate steps for obtaining a future profession; manifestation of independence, initiative, responsibility for decisions made, displaying positive emotions in a choice situation; awareness, understanding of the world of professions, readiness and desire to receive, search and process information, mastery of relevant knowledge, abilities and skills for mastering one or another chosen profession; developed ability to plan one’s professional life, predict future professional activity; selfassessment, knowledge of one’s inclinations, abilities, individual qualities, mastery of self-diagnosis and self-development methods.
It was found that when choosing a profession, high school students give preference to the motive
of material well-being and the motive of the profession prestige. It was revealed that the majority of high school students have an average level of professional self-awareness, and also that the profession does not occupy a significant part of their lives, its value is not realized. It was determined that the majority of high school students first of all lack awareness of their own professional opportunities; a low level of knowledge about the future profession prevails; also, there is a lack of a life plan and professional intention. An average level of decision-making and independence in matters of professional readiness, planning one’s future professional life was revealed.

