Social well-being of children and educators: Problems and practice of support in conditions of military aggression


  • Olena Matviienko National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
  • Taras Olefirenko National Pedagogical Dragomanov University



еmotions, emotional well-being, emotional state, play, emotional comfort, safe environment


The main goal of our research is the theoretical substantiation of the importance of emotional well-being for the full personal development of children. The challenges associated with the large-scale war unleashed by the Russian Federation against Ukraine have led to significant changes in the directions, forms and methods of professional activity of teachers, the content of vocational
training Emotional well-being is one of the basic qualities of human life, an important condition for maintaining physical and mental health. Its foundation is laid in childhood and is a prerequisite for the development of the child. Our study examines the main challenges facing the education system under martial law, such as: creating a safe educational environment for all participants in the educational process; the need to restore and effectively organize the educational process in educational institutions under martial law and in the post-war period; in solving the issue of psychological, methodological
and informational support of all participants in the educational process of the education system. It
is important to establish effective communication between participants in the educational process
and suggest ways to solve them. The analysis of the scientific literature allowed us to conclude that the information field that surrounds the child is permeated with various feelings and emotions. Emotions make it possible to receive that important information material, without which human communication is unthinkable. The picture of the child’s world is formed thanks to the feelings and emotions that he experiences during communication and observation. Emotions play a significant role in the development of personal development and provision mental well-being of the younger generation. Along with the study of the content of emotional development in childhood, researchers pay special attention to the study of conditions that contribute to or hinder the full formation of the child’s emotional sphere. The works of the authors show that this process is not spontaneous, it occurs as a result of purposeful education, based on the mechanisms of ontogenesis. In this regard, it becomes obvious the role of an adult in the emotional development of the child. Summarizing the theoretical results of the study, we
can assert that emotional well-being is a basic feeling of emotional comfort that provides trust and an active attitude to the world. Emotional well-being is ensured by the manifestation of adult care and demonstration to the child of his positive and emotional attitude towards him.

