The training of future teachers to organize a playful educational space in NUSH using Lego construction sets


  • Olena Matviienko National Pedagogical Dragomanov University
  • Olha Lukianchenko National Pedagogical Dragomanov University



educational space, primary school, LEGO construction sets, training of future primary school teachers


The article highlights the experience of implementing the special course ‘Learning through Play’, which is implemented in the process of professional training of primary school teachers majoring
in ‘Primary Education’ at the bachelor’s level. It is proved that one of the objectives of the course is to prepare for the organisation of playful educational space in primary school using LEGO; to understand the essence of game and activity-based approaches in teaching primary school children; formation of the value attitude towards educational potential of the game, its developmental, educational and educative opportunities; formation of practical skills of managing play activity of primary school children on the basis of activity approach (with LEGO use); to develop skills in organising pedagogical interaction, etc.
The article analyses the scientific literature in order to clarify the interpretation of the essence
of the concept ‘educational space and identifies different points of view on its interpretation from both the institutional (a certain part of society where conditions for personal development are created) and substantive aspects (in relation to the individual; as a pedagogical reality that concentrates the essential characteristics of space, demonstrates the diversity of possible manifestations of human educational activity and is the result of organising the interaction of the individual with the objects of the environment).
Attention is drawn to the importance of future teachers’ understanding of The LEGO Foundation
philosophy, which is based on the activity-based approach in a new perspective for domestic pedagogy and assumes active play of each child, involvement in free, controlled or guided play, motivation, active position and responsibility for the child’s choice (‘agency’); the importance of creating a ‘flow state’ in the child as a condition for engaging in their activity.
The importance of the content, forms and methods of work based on the ideas of foreign scholars regarding the activity-based approach in a modern perspective is emphasised. The importance of implementing the principle of ‘learning through play is emphasised, giving play a joyful, meaningful, active, motivating and social character; the influence of play on the spotting of the main spheres of child development, namely physical development, social, emotional, cognitive and creative development is noted.
The relevance and effectiveness of work in micro-groups, teams and individually in terms of distance learning to master the educational potential of LEGO constructors is determined.
The experience of interaction between the Department of Theory and Methodology of Primary
Education and The LEGO Foundation through the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
is summarized, the content component of the special course ‘Learning through Play’, the study
of which contributes to the future teachers’ readiness to organize an educational game space in NUSH is described. Examples are given of creative assignments, projects that aroused students’ keen interest and were productive, etc.

