The influence of watching the animated series «Oggy and the сockroaches» on the aggressive behavior of teenagers


  • Inna Lapchenko National Pedagogical Drahomanov University



aggression, aggressiveness, teenage, mass media, a natural experiment, the influence of viewing aggression on personality


Introduction and current state of the research problem. Uncontrolled consumption of information products is defined as unregulated influences on the psyche of a child, who easily adopts the behavior of screen heroes and uncritically copies their mannerisms. This can lead to the consolidation of undesirable forms of behavior and the formation of erroneous ideas about social norms.
The purpose and objectives of the study – Theoretical and empirical determination of the peculiarities of the influence of watching the animated series «Oggy and the Cockroaches» on aggressive behavior of teenagers.
Research methods. The research employed both theoretical (analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization) and empirical (testing, observation, natural experiment) methods. To determine the level of aggressive behavior in teenagers, the «Methodology for Diagnosing Indicators and Forms of Aggression» by A. Bass and A. Darki was used.
The statement of the main material research. According to the results of determining aggressiveness before and after watching the animated series, it was found that the majority of teenagers have a moderate level of aggression, which often has a situational character and is not their stable personal characteristic. However, in the experimental group, the number of teenagers with a high level of aggression increased from 21.4% to 28.5% and hostility from 21.4% to 35.7%. Their common manifestations are irritability, negativity, and insult, and the indicators of physical aggression
increased. The majority of teenagers are prone to negative experiences, jealousy, and rudeness, which may be related to the scenes of violence in the cartoon. No changes were observed in the control group.
Conclusions and perspectives of further researches. The research showed an increase in the number of adolescents with a high level of aggressive behavior, and an increase in hostility among them. The recommendation for preventing the negative influence of mass media on the personality of adolescents includes a reasoned regulation of television viewing and internet usage. It is also recommended to develop the components of their general abilities, such as time perception, planning skills, and activity management.

