The role of modern map guides in the professional training of future primary school teachers


  • Тatiana Vasiutina National Pedagogical Drahomanov University



educational cartographic manuals, primary school, professional training of bachelors of primary education


The article highlights the experience of using educational cartographic quide in the process of bachelors preparing of 013 «Primary Education» specialty for professional activity. An analysis of professional sources according to their classification (atlases, electronic manuals, contour, interactive, wall and table maps, globes, relief maps, models) and a retrospective review of creation, filling and using them in primary school in the context of natural and civic education was carried out.
Research attention was paid to the directions of student preparation for the research activity: cooperation with the State Research and Production Enterprise «Cartography», development of classes on educational components based on cartographic manuals for use during offline and online education. The importance of the content, forms and methods of work, which are substantiated by professional methods, based on the ideas of international projects implemented during the research period: «Introduction of democratic values into the process of primary school teacher training in Ukraine and Norway» and «Development of civic competences in Ukraine – DOCCU» is emphased
The topics of the training sessions, which are expedient to be conducted on the basis of the DNVP «Cartography» («Types of cartographic products and methods of working with them», «Didactic possibilities of cartographic guide for the formation of students’ civic competence foundations in the process of implementing the content of the educational fields «Natural» and «Civil and historical» in the course «I explore the world»), as well as during the study of normative disciplines from the cycle of professional training of future primary school teachers are given. Examples of such classes are published on the author’s YouTube channel at
The effectiveness of the professional training of future teachers by means of cartographic guides is described, which was traced: in the deepening of students’ knowledge about their diversity, characteristics, didactic possibilities during use in lessons with younger schoolchildren; mastering the skills to methodically and correctly organize individual, pair, and group work of students with cartographic guide during lessons, extracurricular activities, and during educational projects.
The effectiveness of group and individual forms of higher education students’ work with cartographic guides in the conditions of distance learning in the «Google Jamboard» application was noted.

