Development of the creative potential of the future educator in the educational process of the higher educational institution


  • Tatiana Kozak



creativity, pedagogical creativity, future educator, personality, creative activity.


Abstract. The article examines the features of the essence of the creative personality of the future
educator, which is one of the tasks of the educational process of higher educational pedagogical
university, and identifies the importance and ways of developing the creative personality of the future educator at the stage of modern society. higher educational pedagogical university.
A thorough analysis of these definitions is carried out and on this basis the definition of the
creative potential of future educators is formulated. The creative potential of the personality of future educators is considered as an internal source of activity, the ability to self-development in terms of creative activity in the process of professional activity. It is determined that the formation of creative potential of future educators of preschool education institutions takes place in the process of mastering the methods of professional activity and mechanisms of mastering it for its successful implementation.
The purpose of our study is to highlight some aspects of the problem of forming a creative personality of the future educator in the educational process of higher education. To solve the problems in the study used a set of mostly theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis, generalization, systematization, comparison) to obtain information and empirical information about the formation of the creative personality of the future educator in the educational process of higher education.
The structure of promoting the development of the creative personality of the future educator,
based on the organization of the educational process of higher education, is analyzed.
Attention is paid to the continuous pedagogical motivated influence of the practice-oriented aspect of the educational process on the mobilization of creative resources of the student as a subject of educational and professional activity.

