Creative drawing of a nude art model in a sketching technique with the help of soft art materials in conditions of distance education of masters


  • Anna Voloshenko National Pedagogical Dragomanov University



professional pedagogical activity, distance learning, professional artistic training


This publication highlights the problem of providing the quality of higher art education during the martial law in Ukraine and considers reserve implementation of master’s education in a distance form. The total number of hours devoted to the study of the educational component «creative drawing» at the Department of Fine Arts of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University was analysed. The relevance of the problem of students’ education in modern educational artistic area is emphasized and scientists who work in this research direction are designated. This
research work considers the effectiveness of teaching creative drawing of art students in the media space, its positive and negative aspects. Practical and theoretical methods used during the research are represented here; the subject of the concept «sketching» is disclosed; world-famous foreign and Ukrainian artists who worked in the sketching technique are listed; the main principles, purposes, advantages, properties and expressive means of sketching and the varieties of its movements are described and the general description is given. The importance of learning the sketching technique during the preparation for future professional artistic activity is indicated. This research also
highlights the positive aspects of sketching and influence on formation of basic technical skills. Based on modern scientific research, the method of speculative drawing, the content and disadvantages of its use in the media are singled out. It emphasizes the essence of the concept of distance learning and its limited possibilities in preparing students for professional pedagogical activity. This work describes the process of preparing first-year masters for doing sketch of a naked art model with soft materials and defines the order of organizational educational stages of distance learning. A variety of creative tasks are offered, the essence of which are to reproduce simplified forms of naked human art model with the help of soft materials, creation of a figure composition, multi-figure composition and author’s project. The importance of doing sketching tasks according to the recommendations are emphasized.
There was implemented a creative educational process using media and technologies aimed at the sequence of independent practical tasks using the specified methods, which is a guarantee of further successful artistic activity. The effectiveness of a rapid sketching of a nude model was found out and it is provided an objective assessment with further recommendations for their future implementation. There were analysed the obtained positive and negative results of different artistic levels of master’s training, which are accompanied by complications in the further realization of life drawing. 

