Didactic fundamentals of improving the speech culture of students of pedagogical specialties





principles, didactic principles, patterns, principles of teaching, patterns of learning, speech culture, educational process


The article considers the general laws of the educational process, common and different approaches of scientists to determine the principles of teaching, as well as didactic principles of improving the culture of speech of students. In addition to the general patterns, partial patterns are analyzed in detail, namely: didactic, epistemological, psychological, cybernetic, sociological, organizational; recommendations are given for teachers to increase the effectiveness of correct speech. It is noted that an integral part of the basic patterns of learning are psychological.
The material is presented which allows to conclude that the principles of teaching are based on the laws and patterns of the didactic process: regularity of the purpose of teaching, regularity of learning content, regularity of teaching quality, regularity of teaching methods, regularity of teaching management, regularity of learning stimulation. The basic requirements of each principle of teaching are reflected in the rules of didactic activity. In the article, the concept of didactic rules is interpreted as specific instructions to the teacher on how to act in standard learning situations. It is noted that the rules, on the one hand, follow from the principles of teaching, and on the other hand are a generalization of centuries of experience in educational activities.
The article details the information that ignorance of the principles does not cancel their existence and action and makes the didactic process unscientific, contradictory, inconsistent, unsystematic, and, accordingly, ineffective. Actually, this explains the presence of many shortcomings in the organization and conduct of this process in certain educational systems.
In modern didactics, there are several options for classifying the principles of teaching. At different authors they differ, first of all, in quantity. The experience of modern didactic activity shows that this list should remain open. The changes that are taking place in our society, in the education system of other countries, in various fields of social sciences and humanities (psychology, sociology, political science, physiology), in general pedagogy contribute to the further development of general didactics and its improvement.

