Preparation of future teachers for the formation of basics of civic competence in primary school students by media


  • Tatiana Vasiutina Національний педагогічний університет імені М. П. Драгоманова



суть і структура громадянської компетентності, медіаресурси, інтерактивні вправи DOCCU


Abstract. The implementation of the NUS Concept, the State Standard of Primary Education,
the Concept of Civic Education Development in Ukraine has led to a number of reforms in both organization of educational system in general and the content, forms, methods and means of teaching
its students at all levels in particular. In this regard, the article is devoted to clarifying the essence of civic competence as a key for a NUS graduate, analysis of fundamental works on the research problem in various scientific vectors (V. Andrushchenko, I. Bekh, N. Bibik, etc.), coverage of the state and
preparation peculiarities of future teachers for its formation in primary school students at bachelor’s and master’s educational levels. The most productive means of forming the basics of the researched
competence in modern primary school students have been characterized, which are a combination of interactive exercises with different types of media (animated films, social advertising, video clips, photo
illustrations, news, etc.). The peculiarities of preparing students for this activity on the example of the subject «Methods of teaching the educational field «Civic and Historical»» through the usage of various exercises from all groups of interactive teaching methods (O. Pometun, O. Komar) (work in small groups; unfinished sentences, brainstorming, role-playing, constant scale of opinions, discussion, etc.) and the work of the Swiss-Ukrainian project «Development of civic competencies in Ukraine – DOCCU» (material from the platform «We live in a democracy»; exercises «The World Cafe», «A Spider Web», «Chinese Chopsticks», «A Driver and A Car», «Four Corners» and others). It has been proved that working in multitasking rhythm, students have mastered the methods and techniques of organizing media work with students through the using of these methods with themselves in class; found out
which components of basics of civic competences can be formed in students with the help of a media resource (knowledge and their critical understanding, skills, values, attitudes) and which methods and techniques can be used to achieve maximum efficiency.

