Determination of criteria for evaluation of formation of foreign language competence of future primary school teachers




criterion, indicator, level, motivation, educational situation, professional foreign language competence, pedagogical process, language intensive, tests


The article considers the current problem of readiness for foreign language professional communication of future primary school teachers. Particular attention is paid to the conceptual foundations of the system of training future professionals, the basic principles and conditions of their professional development, as evidenced by a number of legal documents. The works of Ukrainian and foreign researchers who developed the formation of foreign language competence of students and tasks related to defining the goals and content of foreign language education are considered. This is due to the creation of the European Higher Education Area and requires the implementation of urgent tasks to increase the motivation of students to learn a foreign language in higher education and more effective foreign language professional communication.
Criteria and levels of foreign language skills of non-language students are determined and researched, the results of “screening testing” of first-year students are presented, the importance of modeling educational situations as a complex means of stimulating students to self-analysis, selfassessment, self-development, communication is considered. foreign language process. The study also presents the results of an experiment to implement the technology of modeling learning situations.
It is proved that the formation of skills to apply receptive strategies of planning the educational process are preparatory interactive exercises with the active use of information and communication technologies, elements of intensive learning. A personality-oriented model of foreign language teaching with elements of intensive, which is divided into psychological-pedagogical and methodological components, is proposed. Particular attention is paid to the psychological and pedagogical features of the organization of the educational process in a foreign language, the formation of motivation to learn a foreign language in students of higher education.

