Theoretical fund amentals of creative personality




thinking, development of creative thinking, creative personality, creative activity


The study theoretically substantiates the psychological and pedagogical conditions
for the development of creative thinking of the individual in the learning process; the meaning of the concept of “creative thinking” in the structure of personality is revealed and the indicators of its development are characterized.
It is substantiated that creative thinking is decisive in the structure of the creative personality. It is the core of the cognitive sphere and the state of development of the motivational and social spheres depends on it. It is determined that creative thinking is a certain thought processes of the individual, the synthesis of which contributes to the creation of something new. The state of its development is influenced by the presence of cognitive interest, the development of mental operations and intellectual
skills. Creative thinking has an ambiguous interpretation, on the one hand it is a mental process based on the solution of contradictions and problems arising in the process of human activity, and on the other hand, the concept of “thinking” and creative thinking are synonymous, as thinking is based on solving difficulties.
Analysis of the scientific literature on the problem of research makes it possible to identify the following criteria for the development of creative personality: the presence of cognitive interest, the desire for achievement and continuous self-development (motivational sphere); developed in tandem conceptual, divergent and creative thinking, developed intellectual and creative skills, reflection (cognitive sphere); developed moral qualities, ability to self-management, communicative and
aesthetic qualities (social sphere). Based on the criteria outlined above, high, medium and low levels of development of creative thinking in the structure of personality are distinguished.



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