Developing digital competence of future teachers of natural sciences using mobile applications in the educational process


  • Serhii Yashanov Dragomanov Ukrainian State University



development of digital competence, natural sciences, mobile applications, mobile learning, mobile technologies, augmented reality


The article examines the formation of digital competence of future teachers of natural sciences when using mobile applications in the educational process. It establishes that in modern system of pedagogical education, it is advisable to gradually redistribute emphasis, goals, content, learning time and other resources for the widespread use of digital tools.
The article makes a case that a pedagogically balanced and expedient application of mobile technologies can simultaneously solve the task of increasing the effectiveness of professional training of future teachers of natural sciences and the development of their digital competence.
The article includes the analysis of studies devoted to the impact of digital learning technologies on the formation and development of digital competence of future teachers of natural sciences during professional training.
It was determined that the digital competence of a teacher is based on a high level of logical and critical thinking, their readiness to work with information resources in their professional activity, to master digital technology and information management methods, in particular with mobile applications, to understand the potential of digital technologies as a resource of innovative activity, in accordance with which the article indicates the main components of the process of forming the digital competence of future teachers in the process of professional training.
It was established that the use of mobile technologies in the educational environment is based on widespread and dynammic usage of mobile devices, which allows for various methods of using mobile devices in the process of learning natural sciences, and examples of the successful use of mobile applications are given within the article.
The article concludes that the implementation of mobile applications during the study of natural sciences in the relevant areas of training can perform a double function, because of introduction of additional factors and criteria that have a synergistic effect and group these disciplines into a single technological system, which contributes to greater fundamentality and completeness of mastering the educational material, minimizing semantic contradictions and unjustified repetitions, the application of a set of current learning technologies and the implementation of many other positive aspects.

