Formation of worldview culture and its influence on the formation of the personality of the future


  • Yang Jingwen Dragomanov Ukrainian State University



formation, worldview, worldview culture, personal worldview, philosophical worldview, everyday worldview, scientific worldview


The study analyzes in depth the problem of the formation of worldview culture and its impact on the formation of the personality of the future teacher and educator. It is noted that the ideological origins of this issue were formed in prehistoric times, when people began to seek an explanation of the surrounding reality. The need to reproduce, understand and explain the world became the basis for the emergence of various worldview concepts and forms of thinking, which subsequently led to the emergence of the first myths, rituals, religion and even influenced the emergence of philosophy. With the change of epochs, these concepts and ideas evolved, enriching the human worldview and forming new cultural foundations.
The study conducted a theoretical analysis of scientific and literary sources devoted to this topic, which allowed to identify the historical context of the development of this issue in different eras. It is proved that it is through the historical context that the theoretical foundations of the formation of worldview and culture can be revealed. Particular attention is paid to the characterization of basic concepts such as worldview, culture, personality, consciousness, professional skills, worldview culture, teacher and pedagogical activity. They were carefully considered in terms of their origin and role in the formation of worldview culture.
It is noted that in the future interest in the study of this issue will only grow. Modern trends in education emphasize the need for a more detailed study of the specifics and process of forming the worldview culture of the future teacher. The study found that a comprehensive study of the problem of forming a teacher’s worldview culture can provide new information that will serve as a platform for the formation of creative ideas and concepts in this area. This will also contribute to the development of effective models for the development and formation of worldview culture, which emphasizes the relevance of studying not only the personal formation of the student, but also the teacher. After all, the teacher’s personality has a direct impact on the formation of the student’s personality.
It is concluded that worldview is a special form of knowledge that consists of our memory and experience. The culture and personality of the teacher, as well as his or her professional and personal qualities, significantly affect the formation of worldview culture.

