Tolerance in modern society: challenges and pedagogical approaches


  • Oleksandr Popov Dragomanov Ukrainian State University



tolerance, education, intercultural interaction, pedagogical strategies, youth, social conflicts, personality formation


The article discusses the relevance of the issue of tolerance in modern society, which is increasing due to globalization, environmental changes, pandemics, and military conflicts.
Intensive population migration leads to the interaction of representatives of different ethnic, national, religious, cultural and social groups in a common environment, which often creates preconditions for misunderstanding, bullying and conflict. Youth and children are particularly vulnerable in these circumstances.
The trends of recent decades are characterized by an excessive flow of unfiltered information that contributes to the spread of antisocial trends and the formation of radical groups aimed at inciting hatred and discrimination. In such conditions, tolerance becomes a key aspect for ensuring peaceful coexistence at the international and personal levels. Building tolerance is a complex and lengthy process that is influenced by various external factors.
One of the main tasks of the school is the harmonious development and socialization of the individual, so the formation of tolerance should be a priority area of pedagogical activity. The analysis of tolerance as a pedagogical problem includes the definition of a number of tasks to create conditions for the education of tolerant qualities in young people.
The article deals with the concept of tolerance, which is multifaceted and includes philosophical, psychological and social approaches to its study. Particular attention is paid to the role of teachers in the education of tolerance, who have developed numerous methods and strategies for the development of tolerant qualities in children and youth.
Modern research confirms that tolerance is not an innate character trait, but is formed under
the influence of the social environment, upbringing and education. The process of forming a tolerant consciousness begins in the senior preschool and primary school years and continues throughout life. This emphasizes the importance of the educational process as a tool for long-term educational influence on the individual.
The relevance of researching the problem of tolerance in modern society and its formation in young people is undeniable. An in-depth study and implementation of pedagogical methods aimed at fostering tolerant qualities is necessary to create harmonious and peaceful coexistence in a multicultural world.
The article is an important source for teachers, psychologists, and educators seeking to find effective methods of teaching tolerance among children and youth, helping to reduce the level of conflict, bullying, and the development of antisocial trends.

