Modern technologies of formation of constructive skills of future fine art teachers on plein air


  • Olga Sova Національний педагогічний університет імені М. П. Драгоманова



artistic and pedagogical education, professional skills, professional skills of the artist, fine art teacher, plein air, art


Abstract. The basis for the research was the need to find new methodical tools for professional
training of fine art students in pedagogical institutions of higher education in Ukraine. This is due to
the modernization of the content of national education and the demand for the modern labor market,
which awaits a well-informed and practically trained specialist. The key to a thorough training of a
fina art teacher is the formation of his complex professional artistic and pedagogical skills necessary
to solve various situations in future activities. The publication presents an analysis of approaches to
the interpretation of the essence and structure of professional skills of fine art teachers. The actual
formulation of the definition of artistic and pedagogical skills of future teachers of fine arts as an
integral professional and personal innovation, which is necessary for the full implementation of the
educational process and the structural components (gnostic, design, constructive, communicative and
organizational) that reveal them.
The main purpose of the article is to determine the content of the constructive component of artistic and pedagogical skills of future teachers of fine arts. The following theoretical and empirical methods are selected: scientific and structural-system analysis; synthesis and systematization.
Within the study, the constructive component is recognized as an integral part of the professional
skills of the fine art teacher. We see its content in the teacher’s conscious selection of effective methods, forms, techniques and means of teaching students to compose images in the chosen format, determine the proportions of objects, work with relationships and use means of expression.
This publication highlights the author’s method of forming constructive skills of future teachers of fine arts during classes on plein air. The basis of the methodology were the methods of compositional search (generation and implementation of a compositional idea by means of artistic and plastic language), pedagogical drawing as a personal illustration by the teacher of educational material, work
from memory (reproduction of a motif without reliance on nature), representation images of imagination with a change of point of view, lighting, etc.) and imagination (reproduction of a motif without nature with reliance on images of imagination). The main educational form of their implementation is a master class as a process of demonstrating and disseminating innovative visual experience.

