Fairy tale as a psychological and pedagogical tool for working with young parents


  • Vladyslava Shvets Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University




fairy tale, diagnosis, education, youth, strategy, alternative, history, pedagogy


The article discusses the use of fairy tales in the educational process as a diagnostic tool in the work of a teacher and psychologist To achieve this goal, a number of tasks were identified: to highlight the possibilities of using fairy tales as a diagnostic, prognostic, educational, and preventive element in interaction with young people and young parents of students; to demonstrate the importance of oral folk art in the system of value formation and project-based education; to actualize the importance of forming strategic thinking in young people. The study was conducted using theoretical, empirical, and general research methods.

The article analyzes typical mental and behavioral disorders that cause changes in the behavioral interaction of young people. The research of scientists and ethnographers on the importance of fairy tales in the system of personal upbringing is analyzed, which allowed raising the question of a new approach to the interpretation of its content. The analysis of statistical data on suicide cases and the categories of youth access to online psychological assistance platforms, as well as the observation of the influence of metaphor in individual counseling, allowed us to assume that the fairy tale is an important tool for decoding information about the universe, the formation of personality and the transmission of the Bible's commandments. The existential searches of the fairy tale's characters are the personification of the formation of a personality throughout his or her life. The fairy tale "The Mitten" is a vivid example of demonstrating human development during ontogeny, his attempts to preserve relevant spiritual, moral, and worldview positions.

The conclusions summarize the importance of fairy tales as a tool that provides an opportunity to create a metaphor for one's own life. A fairy tale reduces the distress of separation, minimizes the influence of destructive thoughts, improves the process of returning to social interaction, enhances the ability to resume social activity through known actions, restores trust in parents and others, and strengthens the importance of cohesion. The active combination of fairy tales and sensory integration can have a diagnostic, corrective, educational, and uplifting effect on the individual.

