Infographics as a means of formation reading competence of primary education learners


  • Mariia Chabaiovska Dragomanov Ukrainian State University
  • Anastasiia Grudnytska Dragomanov Ukrainian State University



formation, reading competence, infographics, primary education learners, New Ukrainian School


The issue of fostering reading competence nowadays is relevant, as students are reluctant to read books due to strong competition from media resources such as cartoons, online games, and social networks. Therefore, in the educational process of the New Ukrainian School (NUS), it is important to employ effective forms, methods, and tools of teaching to promote a positive attitude towards reading, to reaffirm its value in the world of information and personal development.

An effective means of solving this problem is a practice-oriented task using infographics in the lessons of literary reading.

Research objective: theoretically justify and experimentally verify the pedagogical conditions for forming reading competence using infographic tools.

During the experiment, a complex of research methods was applied, in particular: theoretical – analysis, synthesis, comparison of scientific sources to compare different views on the problem, consideration of theoretical issues to determine the conceptual-categorical apparatus of the research, generalization, and systematization; empirical – observation, conversation, pedagogical experiment.

The article contains the theoretical foundations of the formation of reading competence of younger schoolchildren using infographics of practice-oriented tasks, in particular, the psychological-pedagogical and methodical literature on the formation of reading competence of students of grades 1-4 was analyzed; the meaning of the concept of «reading competence» and its components are revealed; the essence of the concept of «infographics» is clarified, its types are defined; features of formation of reading competence of the younger schoolchildren are highlighted by means of infographics and practice-oriented tasks in the lessons of literary reading in the context of the New Ukrainian School (NUS). Рractice-oriented tasks using infographics are presented, also methodical recommendations for practicing teachers of the elementary school, which can be applied by them in literary reading lessons for the formation of reading competence of younger schoolchildren.

It has been proven that the level of formation of reading competence of students of primary education will increase under the condition of purposeful use of practical tasks with the use of infographics in the lessons of literary reading.

Further work should be directed to the search for new approaches to the use of infographics in language and literature lessons at the primary level of education.

