Methodical fundamentals of project activity in the institution of extracurricular art education


  • Oksana Smirnova



algorithm of project activity, cultural and art center, classification of projects, art and pedagogical projects, project method


Abstract. The article presents the methodological foundations, content and essence of project
activities in out-of-school art education institutions, their classification in different areas. Namely, by: the nature of the dominant activity, subject-semantic features, duration in time. The classification
characteristics of art and pedagogical projects, which we have introduced into the practice of the cultural and artistic center “Artek”, are presented.
We argue that project activities in out-of-school art education institutions should be considered as an important factor in the formation of a new Ukrainian education, for the full disclosure of students’ abilities and solving various educational problems, creating a holistic system of finding and educating
creatively gifted individuals.
And the complete absence of platforms for the realization of their creative potential is a number
of tasks of modern society. And, namely, extracurricular activities today should be considered as
an important factor in the fullest disclosure of students’ abilities and solving various educational
problems, creating a holistic system of search and education of creatively gifted individuals, where the crowning place should be project work.
We reveal the psychological and pedagogical features of the project activity. Scientific work, it is proved that the basis of project technology is the development of cognitive and research activities
of students, the ability to design their lessons, navigate in the information space, to develop creative abilities. The traditional “teacher-student” relationship is changing to “student-teacher”. The success of the implementation of project technology depends on the awareness of the teacher-organizer of its importance, knowledge and compliance with the algorithm of project activities. The criteria for evaluating the art and pedagogical project are given.
Modern requirements for the teaching of fine and decorative arts apply not only the task of acquiring theoretical knowledge, but also environmental, social, intellectual and ethical development of the individual. Our hypothesis is based on the effectiveness of the project method to create all the prerequisites for the successful operation of out-of-school art education.

