Feachers of communicative competence formation of the non-philological specialties future teacher in the professional training process


  • Mykola Barakhtyan Національний педагогічний університет імені М. П. Драгоманова




professional pedagogical activity, pedagogical skill, culture of speech, communicative competence


Abstract. The article considers the pro lem of modernization of national education, in particular
its leading directions through the prism of training of future teachers, in particular non-philological specialties and their readiness to carry out professional activity at a high level. The views of scientists on determining effective forms of work with students in the process of their preparation for future pedagogical activities, the importance and necessity of forming communicative competence as an important factor in pedagogical skills are analyzed. Based on a thorough analysis of psychological and pedagogical and special literature, as well as practical experience, the main conceptual approaches to improving the level of speech culture and the formation of communicative competence of future teachers while studying in higher education. The importance of constant updating of the content training of future teachers in higher education is emphasized: development of curricula for training specialists of the appropriate level of competence; creation of standard and working programs according to modern requirements; development of a package of educational and methodical support for the implementation of training courses; methods, techniques and means of practical activities that would help expand the erudition of students, deepen professional knowledge, the a ility to independently extract information from various sources to ensure the development of specialized skills. The content and main tasks of certain humanities disciplines (optional) and their influence on the formation of communicative competence of future teachers of non-philological specialties with o servance of certain requirements are revealed: independent creative work of students. The author's experience in com ining the content and technologies of teaching, which are implemented through a system of creative practical tasks of different types and levels of complexity for the development of creative thinking, erudition and spirituality of the future teacher, which is important and necessary in professional teaching today.

